
Willow Avenue Therapy

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”
― Carl Gustav Jung

Kathleen Crinion MA BA (Hons), dip-Psych,CCC, MNAPCP imageKathleen Crinion MA BA (Hons), dip-Psych,CCC, MNAPCP imageKathleen Crinion MA BA (Hons), dip-Psych,CCC, MNAPCP image
Hi, my name is Kathleen, you are very welcome to Willow Avenue Therapy.
You have more than likely found this website because I have been recommended to you, or you are seeking some answers or clarity to a difficulty that you are going through right now.
I know from my years of experience working with individuals and families in crisis that everyone has the potential and ability to create the life they want for themselves. With the right guidance and support in a safe environment, you can improve your life by exploring those thoughts and feelings that are holding you back from growth and purpose.
I am a psychodynamic counsellor and I integrate other approaches such as CBT, SFT, Mindfulness and Dreamwork
Therapy can allow you to unlock closed doors and open up an avenue of growth and freedom.
I truly believe that each one of us has the capacity to lead fulfilled lives, and the only thing holding us back are the negative stories/narratives/beliefs and even lies, that we have told ourselves.
Sometimes you just need to take that first step to explore whats behind those closed doors and you will find that you can set yourself free.
Call me on 0851982588 or email me at
My practice is in Trim Co. Meath, however, I also use Zoom video and/or phone call if your are not comfortable meeting in person.

Mindfullness-based Cognitive therapy

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy builds upon the principles of cognitive therapy by using techniques such as mindfulness meditation to teach people to consciously pay attention to their thoughts and feelings without placing any judgments upon them.

Solution focused therapy

In traditional therapy, patients typically explore their past so they can better understand their present problems. Solution focused therapy (SFT) focuses on what’s happening now. It helps client's come up with solutions that can make life better in the future. In SFT, client's work together with the therapist, instead of relying on the therapist as the expert. SFT is “brief” compared to traditional long-term counseling. Research shows that SFT can bring positive results after an average of three to five sessions. Traditional long-term therapy can continue for months or years.

Dreamwork workshops

These workshops are designed for anyone interested in working with dreams, From the evolution of dreamwork to techniques of working with dreams. When working with dreams in a psychotherapeutic setting professionals can gain an insight into the unconscious world of their client's while the individual interested in their dreams can access tools to uncover the meaning behind their night-time visions. This is a fascinating subject that had intrigued man for millenia.


Fees/prices are as follows: One to one sessions €70... Group sessions €45... Couples Counselling €90... Students/OAP €50... Letters/reports if requested will be full session fee... Sliding scale offered under certain circumstances... PAYMENT ACCEPTED BY BANK TRANSFER (See your contract for details)/ CARD MACHINE ON SITE/ REVOLUT or PAYPAL also accepted


Fees/prices are as follows: One to one sessions €70 Group sessions €45 Couples Counselling €90 Students/OAP €50 Letters/reports if requested will be full session fee Sliding scale offered under certain circumstances PAYMENT ACCEPTED BY BANK TRANSFER (See your contract for details) CARD MACHINE ON SITE REVOLUT or PAYPAL also accepted

  • The Old Rectory, Saint Loman's Street, Trim, County Meath, Ireland

Welcome to Willow Avenue therapy This is a dedicated counselling service Ring Kathleen on +353(0)851982588


We have thousands of thoughts per day, and most of them are negative. The question we listen to them? do we have to listen to them? The answer is "NO"

We need to challenge those negative narratives, we need to examine them and decide if they are useful or hindering our lives. For years I struggled with health/death anxiety where every little bump, pain, ache or bruise was cancer, or a heart attack, something that would surely kill me, this crippling narrative had been with me from the age of thirteen, it took a lot of work to remove those thoughts as they creeped into my mind daily for forty years. These intrusive thoughts don't have to be that severe, it could be something as simple as "I'm not going out with my friends tonight I feel unattractive", or "I hate going into work, as I know my boss hates me" or lying in bed at night with a million things you should have or need to do. Every single one of these thoughts can be challenged, Cognitive behavioural therapy is an evidence based therapy that has proven to be most effective with negative narratives. If your negative thoughts are ruling your life then think about CBT and challenging them, distance the person that is you from those unwanted thoughts..."You are not your thoughts"


Right now more that ever we need to find out what makes us happy and comforted, that will look different for everyone. It could be a walk in the park, or curled up with a good book. For me it's a few different things, I like to grab a blanket on a fine evening and sit out beside the firepit and watch the flames dance. Sometimes I just like to look up at the stars. I'm also partial to a fancy bar of chocolate and a Netflix series or movie, but the blanket is there fact even when I am on zoom calls with clients the blanket is there, placed over my knees. I guess it brings a kind of comfort, like a kiddie with their blankie. Whatever it is that makes you happy, even for a fleeting moment, do it., and do it more often. 

When we first went into "lockdown" in Ireland there was a sense of community, that this is just for a few weeks, "the weather is great, lets get cracking on the house/garden" now it's Novemember and here we are again, just as we were starting to feel somewhat human again, we are bck in lockdown. This time though it's different, the weather is dull and cold, the evenings are dark and we are feeling vunerable, isolated, our future is unsure and we are finding it hard to hold on to the resilliance we had in the spring.

We are anxious, nervous about human interaction, yet this is something that we as humans thrive on, indeed it is our very nature. How can we find the inner strengths to get through this lockdown. Yes we can exercise, cook, watch Christmas movies (maybe that's just me!), read a good book or zoom a friend (yes we are all zoom savvy these days) all nice bits of advice but we need something stronger and I'm not talking about alcohol, we need to find a deeper, more meaningful solution. So where do we find it?

Within....we are made of very strong stuff, we just have to tap into those resources that we all have. We do that by re-structuring our thought processes. We are the product of our thoughts, we take meaning, we think, we feel, we behave and in that order. The meaning we extract from our surroundings, our interactions, our lack of interaction is directly linked to what we think about our world. Those thoughts make us feel deeply, our feelings are strong and the stronger the feeling the more intense the behaviour that comes from these feelings. So how can all this cause and effect help us right now in lockdown? 

What does lockdown mean to you....that's where you start.

Why I use Dream Thrapy in my practice

"Unlock your dreams & set yourself free"

Welcome to Willow Avenue Therapy, my name is Kathleen and I have a passion for dreams, yes those movie like scenarios that visit us when we are in our most restful state. People have been asking my advice on what their dreams could mean for over a quarter of a century, even before my academic studies. Now of course I realise that I can't do the analysing, they are your dreams from your subconscious and only you can unlock them, however, I can help you do that with the right tools. What are dreams trying to tell us? Do they mean anything at all? Well actually they do and psychologists from Freud to Adler believed so too. When we are not in a waking state our brains are processing all sorts of things. So how can this help in a psychotherapeutic setting?
Dreams can be a reflection of what we’re feeling at the subconscious level, for those who find it difficult to talk about their feelings, dream therapy can help unblock emotions buried deep inside. Creative people find dream therapy very beneficial and in my man years of working in the music industry, I have found that creative people have very vivid and sometimes recurring dreams.
One of the major benefits of dream therapy is the positive self care aspect, keeping a dream journal is one of the key tools in this therapy. By allowing five to ten minutes a day for journaling, you give yourself permission to focus exclusively on you. 
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Limited now

This workshop is for therapists interested in using Dreamwork with their clients and for individuals who wish to explore their own dreams. Dreams have fascinated man for Millennia, and as we all dream , each participant is asked to bring a vivid, recurring or recent dream to this workshop. We will look at the evolution of Dreamwork from Ancient civilisations to modern day Psychoanalysis and explore some of the more accepted scientific theories of Dreams . We will then use Freudian, Jungian and Gestalt techniques to unwrap the participant' dream.Read More

  • Date: 03/09/2022 03:00 PM
  • Location Online Event


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IASD (International Association For the study of dreams) image
Kathleen Crinion is a member of the IASD, the International Association for the Study of Dreams which is a non-profit, international, multidisciplinary organisation dedicated to the pure and applied investigation of dreams and dreaming. Their purpose is to promote an awareness and appreciation of dreams in both professional and public arenas; to encourage research into the nature, function, and significance of dreaming; to advance the application of the study of dreams; and to provide a forum for the eclectic and interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and information.


Individual Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic Therapy :- The early psychoanalysts recognized the power of dreams, strongly calling for therapists to work with clients’ dreams in therapy to illuminate both conscious and unconscious conflicts. Perhaps most notably, Sigmund Freud suggested that the primary purpose of dreams is to satisfy primitive, infantile wishes. Unacceptable to our conscious minds, he proposed that such wishes are repressed during waking life. Presenting an alternate view, Carl Jung believed dreams to be a normal and creative expression of one’s unconscious mind. Asserting that dreams serve a compensatory function, Jung stated that dreams reflect issues that are unexpressed during waking life. He thus believed that dreams can provide a vital means of uniting the conscious and unconscious by making dreamers aware of hidden feelings. Dream interpretation remains one of the central components in Jungian therapy. A third notable early dream theorist was Alfred Adler. he asserted that the conscious and unconscious minds are the same, and thus the individual’s waking personality is reflected in dreams. According to Adler, dreams are an expression of the conscious mind and provide the person with reassurance, security, and protection against damage to self-worth. Thus, dreams are a way of preparing for future activities or events and fulfill a problem-solving role.Read More

  • Category: Dream work therapy
  • Service Duration: 01:00 Hours
  • Address: Trim, County Meath, Ireland (Map)
  • Price:70